Eating Well: Argentina 5.16.17

After months of photos about excellent food I thought an update on exercise might be appropriate. Prior to travel, I worked out regularly at a gym or outdoors. When I made the decision to long term travel, I accepted that exercise as I practiced it at home would not be a part of my routine…

Iguazu Falls 5.13.17

The journey is as important to the travel experience as the places I visit. Each country has its own system for moving people long distances and I have become intimately familiar with these varied systems. After a 10-day period in Argentina and Brazil that included 3 overnight bus trips, blog reader (and prolific blogger herself), Kat asked how busses…

Buenos Aires 5.8.17

Adam works as a US Foreign Service Officer. He and his husband Kevin are currently posted to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I met Kevin in a freshman seminar our first semester of college. Adam and I became friends through Kevin and when we would cross paths as University of Minnesota employees. As a guest for more…

Mendoza, Cordoba, Rosario 4.28.17

Arriving in Cordoba I quickly noticed and appreciated the city’s emphasis on preserving and promoting arts and culture. For example: Cordoba has a central arts related website compiling events, exhibitions, and museum information. I received a branded, color, multi-lingual map created by a graphic designer describing the space and exhibits at each museum I visited. The museums were housed in renovated,…