On the Street: Guilin & HK 9.25.16

There is no place more fun to log steps on my FitBit than in a large, unfamiliar city. Hong Kong, with sites everywhere, feels like a Where’s Waldo book. It was never clear where to focus because there was a store, person, or site every place I looked. Here is a quick look at some of the life in the public spaces.


Many of the streets in Guilin, China had crossing guards. My best guess is that these guards are present because of the large number of tourists visiting the city. Most cities in China had barriers separating the sidewalk from the street to prevent jay-walking. Guilin had more barriers than in other cities. There were also designated bike, motorcycle and car lines in this city.
Because of British rule in Hong Kong, cars drive on the left side and steering wheels are on the right side of the vehicle. A helpful reminder to visitors are these signs painted on the street. Buses for public use are all double decker in Hong Kong.
In middle school I had a HUGE car obsession. McLarens were a favorite. To my delight, and a sign of the wealth in HK, luxury cars are ever-present. I spotted more Teslas than I could count.
Another sign of the wealth in this city.
Chow Tai Fook is a Chinese jewelry store. There are 84 stores located in Hong Kong, a place almost 3x smaller than the state of Rhode Island.
I re-stocked my supply of shampoo/laundry/body bars at one of the Lush store locations on the island. This store looked identical to the store I visited at Ridegedale Mall in Minnetonka.  Also available in Hong Kong: products from Kirkland.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Wendy says:

    Love the “Kirkland products also available in HK” statement. Too funny!
    Very neat to see all the fancy stores to shop in!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! The fancy stores were a shock. I thought the family would like the Kirkland photo:)


  2. Linda Woessner says:

    Your dad would feel right at home shopping Kirkland products . . . 😉 How fun to recall your love for fancy autos when you were young. I remember that well. And to think, you haven’t even owned a car for years. Funny how that goes . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. Yes. Exactly what I was thinking regarding Kirkland. That is quite the irony! Hadn’t thought of it that way. You’re right.


  3. Jacquelyn says:

    So interesting Sarah – Hong Kong reminds me of Vancouver, BC! Fancy cars and all. Except the land mass, however there are distinct pockets of various ethnicities with signage to match. How many steps are you getting in per day, globetrotter?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course, as soon as I write about all my steps, I have a few days of minimal activity 🙂 It’s over 20,000 on the big walking days. I’ve never been to Vancouver, BC. Neat to know about the similarities. Thanks for telling me and, as always, for reading.


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